Monday 18 January 2016

Research into chosen genre-Drama

The purpose of a dramatic story line is make connections with the audience this portrayed through the use of realistic characters, settings and stories also with help through the uses of intense social interactions and dramatic sounds exaggerated performances.
To make a successful dramatic story line the uses of an normal characters living day to day life but mainly living style is low and finical unstable these type of living is easy to relate with and reaches out to the audience, this style helps see the progressions of the family evolve into a better lifestyle.
This knowledge and information is useful for our production as it helps us to be able to reach out to our audience and help our film to entertain our audience as your able to see the progression of the family and the key actor achieve a better lifestyle this also shows our audience belief and motivation which links perfectly with our film we are about to produce.
The main protagonist tend to have a happy ending because the audience is emotionally attach and express feelings when watching the film, when watching an drama film you are attach to one main character who tends to have the most air time you mainly follow them through their lives for multiple years and express their happy and not so happy moments this is used to help keep the audience intact to the film and doesn't bore them too early on.

Forest Gump-

The Godfather-

America Sniper-

Here are 3 well known Drama based films, when researching into each film they are well common which is they're all focus around one character which has the most camera time and you are able to following them in their life and you are connected to the character and hope for the best for them and are able to follow them through their experiences.
Drama films attract audiences through the connection of emotional impact and help carry viewers on a journey through an emotional roller coaster with one specific actor, this attracts audiences through realism and realistic connections people can relate too.

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