Tuesday 5 January 2016

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task-Jack Delaney

My Preliminary task was a mix of well known hits such as 'Bond','Bourne' and 'Taken' which was of a group of well high-impact action with an ex-spy who re-appears on the scene who has been put with a new detective as his work partner, through the film an-unknown villain who calls out for her well known enemy the ex-spy who she calls for his help, throughout the film the 'work partner' starts to release that the ex-spy isn't the best spy in the UK just because he's a good detective but hes starts to reveal he's dark and unknown background about he's partner.
(story board)

(Need images from Lily)

Shot list-

Close up shot of shirt 
Low shot of shoes
Close shot of zip being done
Wide shot of chase   
Tracking shot of chasing
Shot of running through doors
Shot of fight scene between both agents
Tracking shot of chase off    
Low shot of shoes to show unknown location
Shot of boys coming out of elevator
Tracking shot of boys entering room
Establishing shot of conversation

This will help me manage my time when going through production of creating my film, knowing how long certain clips should be on screen I am more able to fit more into the 2 minutes I am granted.
Having a previous shotlist helps me with my knowledge when producing my rough cut as ill know previously how to manage my time and not drag out shots when new shots can be placed to make our film more enjoyable to watch.


Evaluation- I believe the film doesn't have continuity due to the slow paced editing also there is a fighting scene there seems to be no more than that, there isn't a huge fight off to kick start the film so the film looks flat and has no rhythm from there into the film.

When it came down to editing and techniques there is none that helps give the film a sense of action or thriller based feeling which made the film have no excitement which I was hoping for but was left disappointed with the result of editing techniques used when producing the film.
As a group working as a team, I believe the way we handled each role and position was handled in a adultery manor which we all took on a role responsibly to benefit each other working in areas which suited our abilities the best and had to co-operate as team working together in our own times to make our film.
I'd focus on the editing side of the film making it faster and sharper to give the sense of action and thriller to engage our audience better and also making better sense of the mise-en-scene making it darker when the interview was taking place and making the spy's less casual or stereo-typical by applying sun glasses and slicked back hair like the classic detective.

I felt like we should of gave ourselves more time to edit and film as it was rushed due to the style and quality of each scene, which wasn't set at a high standard which I was disappointed with and the outfit where to casual for the film which I wasn't satisfied with.

When making this piece and once I got involved with the editing upon the Macs I was shown various tools to help with editing and cutting sections out which I will be able to apply into a later date or time when wanting to remove certain sections, I was also shown to make the sound to be more dominant when on screen it was more clear to hear which is useful and I was also shown how to use the camera successfully and how to import the video into the editing section which is useful for when I next decided to get involved with editing.

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