Saturday 9 January 2016

Analysis of Student films

Here I am analysis student films through the evaluation of Genre, Editing, Sound, Camera Angels, Mise-en-scene, Character Titles as I am doing this I will be looking for the pros and cons of these pieces of work. Student Films.

Genre-The genre is presented as Romance due to the name and colours used in the clip and the diegetic sound of love is repeated this indicates the film is a romance.

Editing-The editing skills could of been better maybe by not being so far away from the note pad and magazines although this a negative the use of establishing shot helps see the overall context and working sense.

Sound-Throughout the film there is an dialog of a girls voice which is most likely her thoughts and is used to help inform the viewer what the film is about this is shown due to the repetition of the word "LOVE".

Camera angels-There have been 2 main shots in this piece such as establishing shot and birds eye view when looking over the magazines and note pad and establishing shot when she is looking for her phone.

Mise-en-scene-So a woman is at work, who seems to be a magazine reporter who is giving advise about love, although this isn't clear.

Character-This is very unclear to the viewer, as you do not see the woman but you only hear her voice.
Titles-  The titles work well with the film as they are pink and very feminine which link well with the Genre Romance. 

Genre-The film is children's based due to the style of font and actors/actresses used I can tell this by the crops also used such a push bikes and helmets.

Editing-The editing skills are simple and no over complicated by the way the introduced the actors and when they run over the bridge giving a superb distance shot and finally the establishing shot of the field and tree to show the main location used throughout the film.

Sound-The funky up beat non-diegetic sound is great because it links well with the use of actors/actresses and the font used.

Camera angels-There are 2 distance shots that show you the actors and sense of surrounding and give a wider knowledge of location to the audience this is good for drawing in younger children which the clip is aimed towards.

Mise-en-scene-The overall Mise-en-scene of the clip is very general and basic, but the uses of sound, editing and font work superb together which makes and outstanding clip when all put together, at the begin there is a hill and a group of children come down on bikes roughly the ages between 11 and 12, they hit the bottom of the hill getting of there bikes, before running over a bridge towards a tree which presumes to be the main location throughout the film.

Character-In this clip there seems to be more than one main actor and all work well as a team, this is eventually seen as none of them have the longest on screen, all the actors and actresses are wearing shorts and tops some are wearing bike helmets this shows the age of the film which is targeted for younger audience.

Titles- The titles and font used for this piece works amazingly well with the music and the actors they have used who are much younger and are on adventures, I can tell this by the type of font used which is 'COMIC' which is easy to read and normally associated with children.

When producing films it must be clear to explain what type of genre it is and both films produce that very clearly so when making my film it must be easy to understand the genre and must benefit the audience as they are wanting to watch a film that is aimed towards them.

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