Thursday 14 January 2016

How film openings attract audiences.

Film openings attract audiences through the uses of story line behind the film the other content of what the film may consist of e.g. serial killer on the loose, attacking young innocent kids in a house party? or e.g. Mexican drug lord on the run from FBI, where does he hide his money and drugs to escape life in prison.
Props used within the film are useful as it can help latch in certain audiences, younger audiences can be drawn in by the props used e.g. Miami beach party which contains drugs, alcohol and both sexes can help bring in younger audiences, or certain props may help attract one type of audiences such as cars, money and criminals v cops
Certain locations are used to help grab certain viewers such as Las Vegas can be aimed towards more of a mature age as they are able to experience this type of style due to age restrictions in America, this age range can fluster between ages of 21-55 as they are able to visit this location.
Audience feed back is also useful when producing a film knowing that 80% of male audiences like films which have involvement of cars, crime and money you are more likely to make a film that suits the 80% rather than 20% as you know you will sell more tickets gathering more of a budget.

The film '21 Jump Street' is a suitable film for both audiences male and female-This is seen due to the first scene of the film which is set in a high school which is aimed towards younger audience and the scene shows a mixture between boys and girls.

The film 'Fast and Furious' sequences are aimed towards more male-This is evidently seen due to the uses of props which are cars and crime, this type of style is more aimed towards male audiences as these props are stereo-typically aimed for more men and boys. 

The uses of 'Audience Theory' is going to be applied in our piece so we plan to the 'The Effect Model' is applied into our piece due to the Drama target audience as is it aimed towards younger target audience as it is young actors and based on two young lads inspiring to be athletes so this is an eye catcher to young lads so this can help trigger hope and inspire to young boys to better themselves.

Using the theory 'The Effect Model' will help capture our young audience and making sure they enjoy it they could be swayed to want to watch an 2nd film if it was to be released and this helps us create our film with the uses of influences towards young adults showing them success is possible due to hard work but also making sure that the film is enjoyable to watch and enlightens them.

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