Tuesday 19 January 2016

Analyse two film openings related to Drama

I'm analyzing two separate drama based films because the topic of my group film preparation is an Drama based film due to multiple catalysis that have played roles to make the film fall under Drama category.

Genre, Drama 
Narrative, A stockbroker who works his way up through a company before developing his own company and earning millions but has trouble with police and drug use
Character, tall, slim, american, clean, business dressed
Atmosphere,  lively and excitement, adrenaline rush based
Themes, Yaut, big houses and business building 
Setting, 90's America
Sound, Loud and lively
Titles,  Bold and business based 

The film 'Wolf of wall street' is an drama based film about the progression of a young business man building an empire, within the first opening scene you are shown his lifestyle, way of living and work as he address the audience how he got there.
The reason this film falls under drama is because of the use of realistic characters, settings and stories also with help through the uses of intense social interactions and dramatic sounds exaggerated performances,
This is shown through camera angels, sound and mise-en-scene.

Genre, Drama
Narrative, Boy lost out on see, creative thoughts and mysterious out comings
Character, Small young Indian boy, long hair and dirty
Atmosphere, Spectacular and creative whilst being out on sea alone Themes, One main theme whilst is a boy in white boat lost out on sea
Setting, Pacific ocean and in the years of 2000-2015
Sound, Mysterious and creative vibrant and enjoyable music (non-diegetic)
Titles,  Bold and easy too read for both young and older generations

The film 'Life of Pi' is an drama based on the story line linking back to a boy who gets stuck on a boat with multiple mysterious actions occurring, this is a drama because everything is extreme and over done, there is multiple components put together which help 'Life of Pi' become an drama based film which are sound non-diegetic and diegetic sound, the uses of camera angels which capture scenes is an amazing way which help emphasis the situation which is happening.

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