Thursday 7 January 2016

Independent Film Openings

Independent research on film openings-

Throughout my research between Independent and Mainstream industries you tell by a huge different, due to institutional logos used like Warner Bros, SONY, Universal, FOX and Paramount and variety more compared to the smaller film firms like Film4 which is a well known channel among the UK audiences.
Due to funding from each company e.g. SONY and Film4, SONY film openings allow you to see the scenery if they decide to do an establishing shot of where the film is based to show the audience where the first piece of action is going to occur like a establishing shot of New York or Vegas compared to a Film4 film opening which is more basic being inside someones house or cafe, this  mainly due to finical side each company has to play around with this is what makes a opening titles so different between each category.
The quality between each opening can relate to finical reasoning as well this is due to the graphical side and more technological side of making the film due to editing staff and materials they have around them, when editing cast names it can be done to suit the film and appear in a way it couldn't of done if there was lower finical marketing like an independent film this is why they have simple editing effects of pop ups and downs due to the technological advances the staff are able to work with this is due to the finical situations they come up with.
Also when using certain cameras they quality can be an effect in which the way it has been portrayed like using 6K cameras in SPECTRE this helped enhance the quality of the film which plays the role when kicking starting a film through the opening unlike independent film institutions which are unable to use the top of the range quality cameras.

Here is an independent film which uses simple text and features-Film4-Slumdog Millionaire

Here is a mainstream film which uses more technological advances and is able to add more features-SONY-SPECTRE

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