Sunday 24 January 2016

Designing institutional logo

Here I have came up with mini institutional logos which can appear next to our group logo 'Black Mamba Productions'.

Explosion Entertainment
Piranha Pictures
Golf Movies
Evil Entertainment
Picture Movement Entertainment

Here is our Black Mamba Productions logo-

Or this logo we are undecided and uncompleted between both logos

Designing these logos took a lot to produce due to name and linking it towards film institution, the use of gold and black work well together so we thought as a group it would look nice and presentable towards are audience, but our second logo which was going through development and processing we felt was smart and appealing and although we thought black and white was simple but we felt is was aesthetically appealing and was smartly constructed. 

Here is our 2nd from last final piece which has been tweaked to three men not a camera we felt this change was suitable due to the fact there's three of us in our group.

Saturday 23 January 2016

Research on institutional logos.

Researching into institutional logos for mainstream and independent companies.
-Warner Bros
-SONY Colombia
-20th century Fox

-New Line

Here I will be researching into institutional logos by looking at the time frame, the build up the through the use of non-diegetic sound and the font sizes so the audience can read it clearly, here I shall be analyzing two companies from the Mainstream company and Independent company from the Mainstream category Warner Bros and Paramount and from the Independent category Studio-canal and New Line.

Two mainstream companies

Warner Bros
Easy to read, simple music which creates the build up for the logo, bright colors so it is visible and the the font is big size so people can easily read Warner Bros. Pictures.


Visible so easy to read Paramount when it appears across the mountain, bright colors to attract  audience, gentle tune plays throughout the process when the stars form the ring.

Two independent companies

New line

New line is very simple and basic, although the use of font helps project the company name well and the music helps keep the animation running without it dulling.


The music fits in perfectly the uses of color at satisfying, the uses of movement help keep the viewer interested perfectly, the music, color, font all put together creates a satisfying opening for the audience.

The main notice between both is mainly the time used in clips from Mainstream and Individual openings due to the standard and quality between the Film institutions and how long the company name is shown for.
This will help us with our filming because we are able to see the standards set from each company on the mainstream and independent categories being able to see the results and technological side of each company being mainstream film company you have dramatic music playing to capture the viewer whilst having long opening to build up the excitement this is useful for our film as we are able to create an dramatic and exciting opening.

Friday 22 January 2016

Decision on what production company we should be.

If I was to pick an 'production company' I'd aim to be more mainstream due to attention and build up of an new release especially if it gathers multiple audience attention and becomes world wide, we as a group prefer the big names and upcoming stars like Michael B Jordan, Tom Hardy and Channing Tatum these type of stars would really fulfill the roles in our film but aren't hired a cheap interests if you want big stars you have to pay big money that's is one key role into why we'd be mainstream, other reasons as the quality of the film we believe if you have the money you may as well go all big as you want it to look good and the standards should be set high if you want to hit box office standards which aren't easy to achieve.
As an individual I would of selected an mainstream company we all went for Sony Colombia as we found out some our more preferred films came from Sony and the uses of actors also appealed to us Denzel Washington and Daniel Craig, we also researched in budget and incomes from films which also gave us an eye opener on the fact that if you put loads of money into the a film and it is marketed right you income from releases is higher and profits improve.
Here is a Columbia Pictures drama based film named 'fury'

Steve Prefontaine, a Coos Bay, Oregon student, is too small to play most sports but becomes a talented distance runner. He enrolls at the University of Oregon in 1969, and meets fellow Oregon Ducks track and field athletes Pat Tyson and Mac Wilkins. With coaches Bill Bowerman and Bill Dellinger, "Pre" wins three national cross-country championships and four consecutive 5,000-meter runs, breaking the U.S. record in the latter. Prefontaine gains fame as an aggressive runner who likes to be out front from the start, rather than biding his time until a strong finish. 

As a group we decided to pick Independent due to financial side and crew ability to make a film, this was one of many additional reasons, we also didn't have the financial ability to locate in ran down area and didn't have the performing ability to produce a high quality film, if we was to link this to an independent company we would pit Studio-canal as they have produced multiple independent films ranging from Action, Drama, Horror, Thriller and Comedy, this would of been are best option as they have produced most films and have used multiple well known actors.

We believe this film is suitable to our film and we would enjoy relating our film too it due to our athlete struggling and making to the Olympics the same as Steve Prefontaine, we'd like too relate our film due to the struggles and disadvantages held upon our actor and through the struggles he finally reaches his goal like Steve Prefontaine did this is why we'd relate our film to this film. 

Thursday 21 January 2016

Any EXTRA research on Drama and audience attractions

Here I have found out three main factors on Drama and what it takes to produce a good and high quality drama film.
 There are three different trends and categories I’ve found.  First, there are true stories. Often the most dramatic stories are the ones that have actually happened or are based on actual events/people.They have broad appeal and national recognition, perhaps even historical significance. There’s something commercial about them, something that connects instead of detracts. The writer will take an event and find an interesting and commercial hook they can explore to create a new angle on the story and those involved.  Some true stories expose something about people or an event or society as a whole that is unexpected, intriguing or brings something to light that has never been seen in that visual way before. From the above list, Titanic, The Queen, Apollo 13.
The second trend is epics. Having a sweeping feeling means you are swept away by the story to a different place. Titanic, Saving Private Ryan, The English Patient, Braveheart, Elizabeth, Cold Mountain, etc. These are all sweeping epics. To be an epic, a script must have that sweeping feel to it, it almost always takes place in a different time period, it must be big budget, have action, romance, drama, numerous or at least large locations, a good number of characters.
The third and final trend is that great dramatic stories start with great characters. Forrest Gump, American Beauty, A Beautiful Mind, Shawshank Redemption, Mystic River, A Few Good Men, Crash, Dead Man Walking, Milk, The Wrestler, It was the character – and the portrayal of that character through brilliant acting – that brings out the true power of the story and makes it connect to an audience. The story of Slumdog Millionaire was a universal, tried and true, rags to riches love story but without the setting (which was the most important character) and those little kids that the audience just fell for, that story wouldn’t have won anything.

Jack Delaney-1149

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Timeline of titles for Lincoln-drama

Here I shall be discussing the timeline of Lincoln-Drama based film

20th century Fox
Participation media
Fox, Media & reliance presents
In association participant
*Action scene appears*-Civil War in America
Civil War constant killings and fights.


Here is the table which shows what happens within the first 2:00 of the film LINCOLN.

This is useful for my final piece as you are able to recognize the genre easily due to the diegetic sound and are able to tell because there is Lincoln and army soldiers and it more based on Lincolns side of the event so you know you wont be experiencing life of an solider but you'll be looking through the eyes of Lincoln so its going to be more dramatic and you'll watch him encounter multiple issues so if we follow in the way of Lincoln and use certain and specific words in our script you are able to latch to the fact you'll be both athletes and its based around them so you'll have experience multiple situations and issues occurring in both of their lifestyles.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Analyse two film openings related to Drama

I'm analyzing two separate drama based films because the topic of my group film preparation is an Drama based film due to multiple catalysis that have played roles to make the film fall under Drama category.

Genre, Drama 
Narrative, A stockbroker who works his way up through a company before developing his own company and earning millions but has trouble with police and drug use
Character, tall, slim, american, clean, business dressed
Atmosphere,  lively and excitement, adrenaline rush based
Themes, Yaut, big houses and business building 
Setting, 90's America
Sound, Loud and lively
Titles,  Bold and business based 

The film 'Wolf of wall street' is an drama based film about the progression of a young business man building an empire, within the first opening scene you are shown his lifestyle, way of living and work as he address the audience how he got there.
The reason this film falls under drama is because of the use of realistic characters, settings and stories also with help through the uses of intense social interactions and dramatic sounds exaggerated performances,
This is shown through camera angels, sound and mise-en-scene.

Genre, Drama
Narrative, Boy lost out on see, creative thoughts and mysterious out comings
Character, Small young Indian boy, long hair and dirty
Atmosphere, Spectacular and creative whilst being out on sea alone Themes, One main theme whilst is a boy in white boat lost out on sea
Setting, Pacific ocean and in the years of 2000-2015
Sound, Mysterious and creative vibrant and enjoyable music (non-diegetic)
Titles,  Bold and easy too read for both young and older generations

The film 'Life of Pi' is an drama based on the story line linking back to a boy who gets stuck on a boat with multiple mysterious actions occurring, this is a drama because everything is extreme and over done, there is multiple components put together which help 'Life of Pi' become an drama based film which are sound non-diegetic and diegetic sound, the uses of camera angels which capture scenes is an amazing way which help emphasis the situation which is happening.